most important piece of gear is your brain. You use your brain to store what
you've seen for use later, to learn as much as you can read and hear about
storms and when and how they form, and you finally use your eyes to
determine thunderstorm anatomy and your own safe position relative to the
Electornics are useful, very useful. But they will not make
you a good storm chaser. They can even create a sense of false confidence or
give patently false information if your radar scan is old or you don't know
how to interpret the data you see. Learn all you can before you invest
thousands in gear. It just won't help you that much if you don't know what
you're doing.
Formerly I used this page to maintain a detailed
catalog of my gear, but I found it was out of date about every three years.
I'll keep the list updated below, and rely on your Google skills to take you
further. |
Toyota 4Runner
Jotto Desk
Toshiba laptop
USB 760 Broadband card
Earthmate Receiver &
Street Atlas 2012
Wx-Worx XM Mobile Threat Net Data Reciever
ICOM 207H dual-band transceiver
ICOM SP-10/SP-12 external speakers
ICOM HT 2 meter transceiver
Sony VX2100 Digital Camcorder
5D Mark 2 DSLR w/40-70mmL lens
tripod, monopod, window mounts